Welcome to the blog! Written as regularly as I am able to between shoots, editing, meeting clients, being a taxi driver, chef and housemaid to my kids.  It’s jam packed not only with insights into client sessions but locations, lovely people I’ve met, local businesses, food and fashion.  Basically, anything which inspires me and I hope it inspires you too.

And if there’s something you’d particularly like me to include feel free to contact me or add a comment in the blog.  I’d love to hear what you think!

Using colour in photographs

Using colour in photographs

Looking for inspiration for your next photoshoot location and wardrobe? Discover how to infuse your images with optimism and dependability with colour palettes inspired by Pantone Colour(s) of the year for 2021; Joyful ‘Illuminating Yellow’ and dependable ‘Ultimate Grey’ and make your photographs pop!

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